I have a 30 Ft Jayco Eagle Superlight27.5 RKS, 2008, with 3500 lb axles replaced after two years due to failure of the axles ( bending as they are underrated ). Just had the 5000 lb new axles checked and right side of the two EZ-Lube axles had grease all through the brake backing plates. $700 job to replace parts. I have used the same RV dealer for all trailer work since new. I believe they blew the seals by not rotating while greasing, or using a power greaser rather than a hand gun, or didn't know how they had to be greased. I will never buy a trailer with EZ Lube. Better to go standard method and have them checked. Not impressed with Jayco after $10,000 warranty work on a $30,000 fifth wheel.