mich800 wrote:
The one thing that could frustrate you is these bikes are very heavy. So the non power part of the ride may not be as enjoyable as you think. Assuming it is a trail that is not entirely flat. But try it out and see if it works for you. Cycling is very good for weight loss and easy on the joint providing you fit the bike correctly to your body. Good luck on your rehabilitation.
Mine is the heaviest one Rad Power Bikes make. I would have liked to have gotten a lighter bike but none of them had the weight rating above 300 lbs that I needed to carry me and a couple bags of groceries. It'll be mostly local neighborhood streets and sidewalks and maybe city parks. If i have to i can use the motor to get up to speed then take over pedaling, but I should be able to get up to speed on my own since it is has 7 speed gearing. I'm just mainly concerned about being able to get back home on the bicycle if I poop out and the knees can't take it any more.
It's also been 40 years since I last rode a bike, so for now there won't be any trail riding. It'll probably be a couple years before I'm back to camping again. In the next year I'll probably have both knees replaced and a turbinate reduction between both knee surgeries. I think I'm going to hate the turbinate reduction more than the knee surgeries. They are going to cut and grind bone away then remove the excess tissue covering the bone in my nasal cavities to open them up more so I can breathe better through my nose. They'll also fix my deviated septum while they're at it. Then it will be 2 weeks of sponges packed in my nostrils. Even though a can breathe partially through my nose I still wake up every morning with my mouth as dry as the Sahara Desert. As soon as my first knee heals ill be working on my enclosed utility trailer camper build so I can retire and live on the road full time. Thats why I figure it'll be about 2 years before I go camping again.
My dad had both has knees replaced 10 months apart and did pretty well. He was 68 when they did the first one. I'll be turning 60 when they do my first one.