Forum Discussion

seaeagle2's avatar
Apr 03, 2015

ever feel like we need some Japanese RV manufactures

In shopping for our first trailer, and reading the forums, it seems like quality control in RV manufacturing an oxymoron. Kinda like Detroit in the late 60's and early 70's, maybe we could get a Japanese RV manufacturer to enter the US market and shake things up. On the Service issue forum even though CW takes the hit for not being able to fix the stuff, it's the manufacturer that shipped it out that way, modern cars don't get much of a pdi anymore, yet they usually run just fine....
  • i5trucker wrote:
    Shipping large vehicles across the ocean is probably cost prohibitive. That is why semi trucks and trailers are built in the USA, Canada and Mexico. Although, John Deere and several others make heavy machinery in Japan and ship it via ocean containers.
    Just because it's Japanese or German does not mean it would be built there.

    Honda, Kawasaki, Kia, Mercedes, among others build vehicles in the US.

    Look at beer, a lot of company's have been sold to foreign owners.

    Look at Chrysler, foreign owners.

    Just because it's owned by a foreign company doesn't mean it won't be built here.
  • Naio's avatar
    Explorer II
    I had the impression that build quality was a lot better in the fiberglass trailers. Is that wrong?
  • I think part of the issue is consumers demanding bigger yet lighter units. Gotta cut corners somewhere to get that. Also, you gotta keep the price relatively low for a non essential item.
  • What we need is buyer's to stop buying the******out there and force the manufacturers clean up their act.

  • Shipping large vehicles across the ocean is probably cost prohibitive. That is why semi trucks and trailers are built in the USA, Canada and Mexico. Although, John Deere and several others make heavy machinery in Japan and ship it via ocean containers.
  • Yep, it appears that they are stuck in the 70s as no one really has entered the market making a better unit to change the game.

    The playbook is there. Quality is free if you will change from thinking on the back side (quality control) to quality assurance (building quality into the product is it is built).

    I just got into it with my dealer this past week. My wet storage box with the slide controller was the issue. FR said to silicone it and vent it. They opted to silicone it call it fixed. This, of course, made it worse as they didn't stop the leak but they did good enough to almost eliminate the vent.

    They said that they followed FR's instructions. The whole thing made me furious as the leak was the issue and needed to be fixed.

    Perfect example of not understanding that fixing the root cause reduces their overtime by reducing repeat trips for the same problem, improves their reputation and makes their customer happy.
  • How about Chinese RV's?

    Then maybe the ones built here wouldn't seem so bad.

    Yes, quality control in RV's seems to be nonexistant, unfortunately.