WoodGlue wrote:
Just thought I'd give a huge shout out to the newish Tom Tom VIA 1605M RV Specific GPS Unit!
More about the specifics here:
Tom Tom Via 1605M RV GPS
I've had mine for awhile now and it's performed flawlessly. They're about $149.00 compared to the Garmin which is going for $399.00 at Amazon.
I own the Garmin as well (RV 760LMT) and did extensive side by side testing on my dashboard. I found the routes that Tom Tom led me down are better than the Garmin, as the Garmin led me down 2 unsuitable roads while in the RV mode. It's a good thing that I wasn't pulling the trailer at these times otherwise I would have been in a quandary. Not good at all.
The TomTom also allows end users to make and submit road conditions changes (under construction, temporarily blocked roads, etc) and you can update your unit with these updates as soon as they're verified.
I tested heavily along the Los Angeles 405 freeway corridor which is a major freeway undergoing ramp closures and ramp re-openings, heavy construction, etc and the Tom Tom performed flawlessly. I can't say the same thing for the Garmin.
The Tom Tom also offers lifetime Traffic updates as long as you use a mobile charger that has the traffic module.
TomTom Charger
So, if Santa Claus needs something for an RV family member or a gift for yourself, I'd consider the Tom Tom VIA 1605M RV.
The Garmin camera input makes it worth it if you use one. Put one in the tom tom and watch the price go up...You are not comparing apples to apples