JimM68 wrote:
I am not going to read all this, but....
Along interstate 65 in Indiana, there are billboards for some hospital or another, suggesting that obesity is not a choice..
Dare I say I do not agree?
Note I've fought "heaviness" all my life. I weighed more in 8th grade than I do today at 56 years old. I don't exersize, and I drink more than I should, but I stay active, watch what I eat, and walk my dogs 2 miles every morning.
Not getting down on anyone, but if you burn more calories than you eat, and you exercise even just a (note it took me 2 years to go from 220 to 185, and I've held there for 3 years... ) little, after a few years you will get down to a manageable size.
But do you use the dinette, or have different seating arrangements?
The post was about seating, not about weight control.