DiskDoctr wrote:
Why not take your surge/testing unit and walk it to an unoccupied site and see if it shows a failure?
If you find a site where it is not showing a failure, you can move there, OR use it to validate the proper function of your testing setup.
Actually I did just that the next morning. There were four ot five sites in the immediate area around me that showed faulty ground. In the remainder of the campground, the other sites tested okay.
A licensed (retired) electrician came by later and tested the post and observed the ground wire was grounded to the box, but was not sure if the box was grounded properly? I'm getting around 114 volts. Anyway, at least my equipment was not faulty. The USFS did come by also wahile I was gone and did indicate to the host that there could be a potential problem, and the will soon get to it? We'll see the next time we come?