I kind of liked building campfires for my wife, She liked sitting around them once I got 'em going.. I usually moved inside less there were others gathered around.
When we first got our RV most of our camping was in a "Quarantine district" and since we lived in the same district Quarantine wise, we could move wood freely from home to CG.. had a couple of trees in the back yard that are no more.. One seriously needed chopping up.
Then we bought from just outside (Within a mile) of the campground as it was less expensive than what the CG offered.
I read about a family who got busted moving wood OUT of a Quarantine area into a non-quarantine (or lower level) district... They lost like 500 pounds of wood.
Wood is heavy, frankly.. i think it is cheaper to buy near point of use.
Many lumber yards have scrap bins where you can pick up short (Fireplace size) lengths of kiln dried lumber as much as you want for fireplace or fire pit use.. No charge. This wood, being processed, is not subject to quarantine. BUT it may be treated with chemicals which make it unfit for cooking.