Because of the EAB, our home CG will not allow ANY wood on site unless it is wrapped with the original USDA kiln-dried sticker. They bought a truckload of it and sold it all summer at their cost and then switched to their own fallen wood (at the grocery store price for a bundle) once the kiln-dried was gone. Unfortunately, even with keeping this policy in effect for the past 3 years, they have just felled 15 ash trees this fall and more are slated to be removed before winter. They have planted new small trees, but it will take more years to fill out to the shade we've been accustomed to.
It's sad that these invasive pests travel on dead wood and campers who are unaware of the laws continue to contribute to the infections.
Those of us old enough to remember back then...the dutch elm disease decimated many neighborhoods in the 70's.
Buy it where you camp; burn it all; don't move it.