Having moved here to Florida 4 1/2 years ago, I appreciate the way their Tax Collector (which includes DMV) offices are run. They are quite efficient. I have called many times to get answers to questions. While you may have to press a couple numbers, I always get a live person who is willing to devote as much time as necessary to answer any/all of my questions. And you can go to any Tax Collector office around the state to do your business. I suggest going to their website and call with your question. The answer may even be on the website. You will get the correct answer. We had two motorhomes when we moved here and we did not have to have inspections. However, they were registered in our name. If you have a large motorhome with two VIN numbers (we had a Phaeton which had a coach VIN from Tiffin and a chassis VIN). I filled out the paper with the wrong number and had to go back home to get the other. Take both to be covered.