You couldn't pay me to own a MH. Too expensive to maintain. Sure a class C in the 26' range is cheep to maintain but to get the room I'd want it would have to be a class A. Tires alone would run $3000.00 to replace. Let alone the labor for any mechanical repairs to the motor. I've rented a few MH's in the past. Two class A's and one class C. All were fairly new and in fact one class A had only a couple 1000 miles on it. What I did notice was all the little noises you hear inside while traveling. My truck is rattle free and quiet. If I need to pee I just pull over somewhere. I don't see the big thrill in being able to use the bathroom while running 65-70mph down the freeway. Or getting up to make a sandwich while the MH is negotiating curves on the hwy. I can pull in anywhere, stop and d whatever for 5-10 mins and be on my way with our 5'er. You need to tow a car or truck to go site see so you still can't park any quicker than a truck and trailer can. A 35' 5'er will run around $50-70,000 depending on options. A nice 35' MH will be $150,000 and up. Nice truck runs $45-50,000. Toad runs $25,000+.
$90-120,000 for 5'er and truck.
$175,000 for MH and toad.
Money saved on the truck and 5'er buys one heck of a lot of fuel and CG fees.