Definitly disconect the injector this way you will not have fuel being blown out through the plug hole and sprayed all over, take the spark plug and the ignition module and lay them on top of the engine this will allow the the piston to move up and down with out to much restrction, this gives you more of a woosh rather than a bang since there is no fuel to ignite and no engine fire, and yes you can drive to a shop at a reasonable distance at moderate slow speeds.
Ask the shop if they use Timeserts rather than heliciols, helicoils tend to pull out with time in sparkplug applications, I did all ten at the same time as it was cost efective in the long run rather than doing one at a time since the injector rail has to be taken off and the valve cover off in order to verify that the piston is at the bottom and not at TDC when the hole is being drilled for the Timesert threads to be cut, otherwise the drill may damage the piston.