The common belief among EX owners is the 4.30 provides the best all around option. I am shortly going to find out how much better they are than the 3.73's!!
I considered 4.56 by having the gears changed. Est cost in the PNW was $2700!! Would have been the same for 4.30 gear change. I found a pair of used 4.30 axles for $1100 and had my son's Ford dealership go through them, check gears, brngs, do necc seals. Done at $1900. Going to do brakes also before installing the axles.
We are towing an equivalent trailer and have have no problems with the EX. Been up and down 9000 ft passes at not much slower than everyone else around us. But looking forward to how the "towing experience" will change with the 4.30's.
Of course, "Old Bisquick" knows better how the Excursion tows!!!