PopBeavers wrote:
I like ObamaCare.
I have read that there are quite a few people that have been able to retire before age 65 because ObamaCare makes health insurance affordable. A kaiser plan without ObamaCarew would be over $2,000.00 for both of us.
I'm turning 65 in Sept, but retired at 49 and had bought my own insurance since. In 2013 my premium was $330, but I had NO deductible and a max annual copay of $1000. BCBS wanted to cancel my plan as they were not making money on it. (They had been raising premiums quite a bit). The State of Michigan controlled insurance then and refused to allow BCBS to drop my plan. Obamacare came & Michigan no longer controlled the insurance & BCBS dropped 150,000 people from my plan as fast as they could. The plan I had to get has a premium of $604 with $1500 deductible and $3000 max annual copay. The only plus to me is that since I'm retired I make little money & get a subsidy paid by the US taxpayer and my portion of the premium is $220. (I don't want to spoon off the taxpayer & want my old plan back).
SO the premium almost doubled, my max out of pocket annual cost went from $1000 to $4500. I read where more than 25% of insured people are not going for medical treatment due to the high deductibles. I have skipped several times. Odamacare claims it's cheaper & more affordable, it's not, they ignore the deductibles & copays. Insurance is not paying for anything until you pay first.
Medicare A & B with supplemental C will cost me $228 and have no deductible nor copay. So I'm waiting for it to start & then will go in for several things.
We should have gone to some form of medicare for all.