I too am curious why you wouldn't be eligible for Medicare come age 65. Even if you didn't work, you can be covered if you were married to someone who does qualify for more than 10 years. There are many rules and provisions to medicare, so it would pay to get professional help. And even if there is no way for you to qualify, you can still buy in at a premium much lower than private insurance provided you are a legal US citizen.
As for current coverage, you might very well qualify for premium assistance under the ACA unless you make a significant income. If that is the case, premiums for people in their 50s and 60s are just plain expensive, even with sky high deductibles. And if there was actually an easy fix, even our completely inept legislative and executive branches of government would have gotten it accomplished. But healthcare is wildly expensive and free lunches don't exist. Like Whack-A-Mole, trying to fix one area will just cause another huge problem to pop up.