Ron Gratz wrote:
oxygen wrote:
---I likely messed up when I added 200lbs for Dw and our dog(who weighs 60lbs) to the gross weights because they weren't present for weighing.
Also note that rear axle on tv was a calculated value from other weights listed.
I subtracted steer axle unhitched from steer axle with wdh disconnected to get the 300lbs. Is this correct?
Can you post the actual scales numbers?
Also would help to know if you were in the cab, on the scales, or not included in any of the scale weights.
truck by itsef, no wdh attachd, i was sitting in truck with all 3 weight
front axle-3240
gross tv- 6040
fear axle- 3000, calculated from fist two
truck hitched but bars NOT engaged
front axle- 2940
tt & tv- 12300
trailer -5360
rear axle- 4200, calculated
truck hitch, wdh engaged
front axle- 3060
gross weigh- 12300
trailer- 5540
rear axle- 3900, calculated