toedtoes wrote:
As an aside, I really dislike when people wave me on at an intersection. I don't need someone to tell me when I can go through, I know the rules and I can see the traffic for myself. That is a huge pet peeve for me. It's one thing if the person is driving something that is going slower than traffic or they are going to do a u-turn, etc. But don't wave me on because you're being nice - just move your vehicle when it's your turn and i'll make it through the intersection just fine.
Waving someone through at an intersection or turn is a perfectly acceptable way to safely control traffic. Yielding to someone who needs extra space or is trapped by traffic is also safely and effectively conveyed by waving.
Giving the right of way to the car who is waiting where you need the extra turning room- say for a camper- is both safe and necessary.
Yielding extra time and space to a vehicle who needs extra room- like a camper- makes the road safer for everyone.
Waving someone on when you can see the road is clear but they cannot, is both safe and courteous.
Some people may have pet peeves about left hand turns, too, but that doesn't make them any less practical or useful. ;)