Blazing Zippers wrote:
Well, hold on there---maybe there are things that need to be said here.
As an old firefighter, I've held hands of folks that have had a terrible event just happen to them and they are going to need a hand up.
It's the people that are too lazy to even clean up their "homeless" dump, drop feces in the street, use drugs, and then claim they are being abused by society that fry my berries. When we, as a society, have to hire a "poop patrol" to wash the streets of cities, homeless has over stepped its bounds. Oh, where does the street washing contents go??? Why into the drain which flows into the water. But OMG!!don't wash yer car! That pollutes the water.
A 3% unemployment rate means that folks can usually get work of some sort. It's just that a number of our citizens are to lazy to do it.
Don't get me started on the green, blue, & purple haired folks!!
As a retired California firefighter and former state mental institution worker, I have some perspectives on the homeless dilemma.
States closed down their mental institutions when the rights of the mentally ill swung way to far in the opposite direction. This caused a decrease in the ability to help those with severe mental illness, who very often sought drugs and alcohol. As an employee of these institutions, I saw too many released into world with no support systems.
As a firefighter/EMT, I frequently went to homeless camps and shelters.
From what I saw, the overwhelming majority of homeless are the mentally ill and substance abusers. Those that are good people who had bad luck, are a very small percentage. The vast majority of homeless that I met, didn't want to work, didn't want treatment, didn't want to live in a shelter and didn't want to stop using drugs/alcohol.
California has 50% of the nation's homeless population, even though it's the most expensive to live in. And it's still growing, so expensive housing is not the issue.