gafidler wrote:
Just bought a 2011 CRV and want to set it up for towing. Has anyone used one of the 2 brake light on the crv and disconnected it from the vehicle and hooked it up straight to the coach ?
Well Sir, as you can see, there's different opinions on what folks like for toad lights. Some have nightmares about "Tying" into the factory wiring. Others, like myself, have done it for decades with no issues what so ever. I did our '11 CRV the first week after we brought it home from the dealer, brand new.
Tying into factory wiring is simple and it works. The really good part about it is, when you're towing it, and someone is following your CRV, and you've wired it with the factory lights, the lighting, as in brake lights, AMBER TURN SIGNALS, third brake light, all work as if someone's driving it. In other words, it's all normal back there.
And, there is NO electrical problems in doing it this way. Now, one thing, this really applies to around 2011 or below on many vehicles that are authorized as toads. Many, 2012 and newer, have totally different styles/types of wiring and tying into those systems can ring disaster.
But, the '11s and earlier, have no issue. Below is a wiring schematic I drew up just after I did the wiring on ours. In it, you'll see the way I tied into everything. And, you'll also see what's called a "Tail light converter". That's used to convert a combination turn/brake system into a separate Turn and brake system. Those little converters are about $25.00 plus or minus. One way or another, you'll most likely need one of them, unless you choose not to use the stock lights as toad lights. Good luck.