TOMMY47 wrote:
To those mocking the OP.
Do you lock your house doors? Windows? Car doors?
Why--You're just being paranoid based on your chances of having a home invasion or car theft.
Do you lockup your bicycle or camper? Pure paranoia according to you.
Smart-ass answers help nothing.
TOMMY47 wrote:
Oldme--I agree.
BTW. do any of you guys lock or chain your generator at a campground? If you do, WHY?
Day in and day out you can probably find 100 police reports across the nation about theft from auto, stolen bike, expensive stolen property. Its not paranoia to lock your doors, close your windows, secure your bike and other expensive gear. It is a common sense solution to a very real and widespread problem. Heck, I've had someone steal the L pins from my Equalizer bracket at a campground. I used to lay my WDH gear across the A frame. Now that I have been a victim of theft because I failed to lock up my gear, I lock up my gear. I am using a common sense solution to a valid and legitimate concern.
I challenge you to find even 5 reports of a stranger intentionally poisoning a single random person or family. The reason some people are mocking (I don't think I mocked) are because it is such an outlandish scenario to concern yourself with. There are FAR more likely scenarios that one should worry about before we get to locking the water tank fill opening on our camper.
I wear my seatbelt because every day thousands of people are injured or killed in car crashes. I don't wear a helmet when I sit on the toilet because I am afraid I will fall off hit my head and die. There is preparation for a legitimate concern and then there is bizarre paranoia. To me, the OP's question falls closer to paranoia than legitimacy.
Could it happen? I suppose there is a exceptionally minimal possibility. If I lived in fear of all the things that could potentially (but unlikely) occur, I would die of the stress. You could cut your finger, get a staph infection and die a week later just trying to install a locking cap on your water. More people get staph infections every year than get poisoned by a random stranger for no reason at a campground. I would be more concerned with the staph infection than the water.