Forum Discussion

80R100RT's avatar
Jun 04, 2013

Hydraulically actuated brake controller?

Being somewhat obsolete myself, I found a NOS hydraulically actuated brake controller at a small town auto parts store. I have had them before on older vehicles and they work quite well. I have a '97 D2500 CTD and wonder if anyone knows whether the controller can work with the brake system on my truck? Thanks in advance....
  • You will need an adaptor to hook into the master cylinder on the truck. It's basically a Tee but they seemed to be specific to the make of the truck (maybe due to different threads or location obstacles).

    I still have one on my 1986 chevy 2500 I used to tow our 5th wheel with. Discovered that eventhough it showed good voltage coming out of the 7pin plug it didn't work as well as the DrawTite electronic controller on my new truck. I have much better braking with the electronic controller over the hydraulic controller.
  • Probably not. Most newer vehicles have smaller hydraulic oil reservoirs than old trucks