Ooh ooh, philosophy discussion! I want in!
The big fallacy in your logic is you are assuming most people are good.
This is not the case.
Most people are either neutral or bad. 'fair' does NOT equal good. It means equal or neutral. Not good! Good is the exception.
Neutral does not equal bad/evil. It is ok to be neutral. In most cases.
And no, just smiling at somebody or buying your own kids a nice present doesn't sway the pendulum that much.
I mean, just as devils advocate, look at all of us! Spending discretionary money on RV's, probably more than we spend on charity. That swings the pendulum the bad way. How do you/we make the world a better place?
Does making no difference at all, or only to yourself, make you good?
My point being, we are all hypocrites, and the challenge is to see who is the most full of it.
Let's take salesmen. Hmm,, no,,bad example,, lets take COMMISSIONED salesmen with negotiated pricing that impacts commission and examine the dynamics.
By default, the salesmen want you to buy a product and in doing so want to take a portion of the profit for their time. Necessarily so. Alas, this 'profit' comes straight out of the pocket of the buyer. Now this is a big 'catch 22' as far as good-vs-evil goes because you now have two people (buyer and seller) essentially arguing over who is taking who's money. You end up in a scenario where everybody involved is bad or neutral. The only exception is if you give up your complete allotment of money. Who want's to do that? You can't eat dust right?
But there you have it in an nutshell. More often than not the salesman is viewed as 'the bad guy' because he can benefit from your NOT benefiting. It is in his best interest to squeeze every dime out of you he can. It is in the buyers best interest to squeeze back. The buyer however doesn't have leverage as far as deceit is concerned. Only the seller has that. Many use it, hence the reputation.
The truth is, in most scenario's where deceit is not a factor (because nobody is lying and everybody is vying for the others money), both the buyer AND the seller are,,, well,,, neutral or bad. Remember, 'fair' doesn't equal 'good', it equals 'neutral'.
Alas, where there is money involved, deceit very often follows.
Is there any difference in trading in an old rig and not disclosing issues and selling a new rig and not disclosing issues? No, there is not.
So, pop quiz time.
1) You are are trading in a rig. There is a problem that the dealer will not be able to detect until long after the trade is final. Keeping quiet will save you $3,000. Do you
a) Tell the dealer and take a $3,000 hit and pay full retail on the new rig.
b) Tell the dealer and take a $3,000 hit and still negotiate price, some of which hits the salesman's commission.
c) Keep it to yourself, after all, the dealer will make it up in profits with the rig you are buying on the trade in.
d) Keep it to yourself, caveat emptor, buyer beware.
2) You are a salesman selling a rig. You know that is has a faulty widget that will go out immediately after the warranty expires. Repairing it now will cost $3,000 because the manufacturer blaw blaw whatever. Do you
a) Tell the customer and take a $3,000 hit, and send all of your commission to the customer.
b) Tell the customer and take a $3,000 hit, only losing a portion of commission to customer.
c) Keep it to yourself, after all, the warranty should cover it, it is not your fault the manufacturer likes to swindle customers. Not your problem.
d) Keep it to yourself, caveat emptor, buyer beware.
If you answered 'A' to both of the above, you are a good person.
If you answered 'B' to both of the above, you are a neutral person.
If you answered 'C' or 'D to any of the above, you are a bad person.
It is easier to be a bad or neutral person if you are a salesman because you have deceit leverage on your side (the rig). ...unless of course there is a trade in. Then everybody is likely not so good.
In conclusion, while we like to badmouth the salesmen, most of which are neutral or bad, the truth is the same percentage of us/customers are also neutral or bad.
Buncha pots calling the kettles black.
Understanding this is the first step in moving closer to truly 'good'.
...a goal that is impossible to fully achieve.
If you say you are there, the opposite is in fact the case.