OP registering, posting, and disappearing. Then another new rando dropping a marketing link. Methinks us regulars got hoodwinked by the whole thread.
As a forum, I suggest we keep a sharper eye out for new posters and don't hesitate to call them out on their first posts. For example, maybe the first reply on this thread could have been something like...
"Welcome to the forum, good to have you along. I see you have just registered and are dealing with a specific problem. Can you post some pictures so we can better understand what you are up against?"
I think the nature of this community is to be helpful, and we jump right in when someone posts a problem. I am suggesting we take a quick look at that "Joined" date. If is the same day as their first post (particularly if it is a controversial, inflammatory, or one-sided post), we should dig a bit deeper in to the New Member before putting a lot of effort in to solving their problem.
Just my $.02