Eric&Lisa, your idea sucks, really sucks.
You want to challenge every new poster as to their bona fides?
I have been posting for 15 years,and with out a doubt this forum is filthy with armchair experts, weight police, RV DOT,rule makers, rule breakers,petty tyrants,and know it alls.
Ten years ago,you could not keep up with the daily posts,now? Some threads go several days with out an exchange.
Do we see the same questions over and over? Of course,none of us was born with an RV coming out of our butt. There is a learning curve,and we all learn at a different pace.
Spend a day glancing thru responses and ask yourself, Why would a newby subject himself to "google is your friend" ,"one post and gone"
"troll question"
and even worse.
The forum employs moderators to do just that. If you are a frustrated moderater wannabee, please start your own forum where you can be God!