In case you haven't, you can check out the wiring diagram in the installation instructions or its
available online here. Red fused wire to toad battery positive, black wire to negative post? Are the toad tail lights on when the MH parking/headlights are on (when hooked up, of course)?
I fall into the half-smart category but I was able to install Invisibrake on our 2010 Corolla and have had no problems, either towing or driving the Corolla.
If all the wiring appears to be as intended, here's what I would do:
- Hook up the MH/toad umbilical
- Disconnect the red wire at the toad battery. Or you could just open the inline fuse and stick the tester probe in the part toward the IB controller. If you test for current with the red wire attached to toad battery, you’ll just be checking that battery.
- Make toad ready to tow: key on? Etc.
- Turn on MH parking lights.
- Put a test light on the red wire from IB controller, ground the test light, but not to battery negative post.
- If test light does not light, double check the wiring: The plugs on back of IB controller; also the brown wire connection at the wire harness to the 6 or 7 pin plug on the front of toad.
- If test light lights, you’re getting power from the MH. This is where that half-smart comes in. Seek professional help as to why your toad battery is not being charged.
Good luck!