2-MTnesters wrote:
GordonThree wrote:
BenK wrote:
Also, if an automatic...worst condition for any automatic while unlocked and can burn up the tranny in a hurry (minutes to seconds)
First time I've heard about this... there's no warning in my truck's manual about reverse gear burning out the transmission.
can you elaborate?
X2, really lost me on this one.........
I believe, in general, the theory behind this is that when you are backing up, the torque converter in the transmission does not lock up, therefore as you back up, the tranny fluid heats up excessively (in the torque converter) and because you are not moving fast, the fluid is not being cooled by your tranny fluid cooler. There is another factor related to the pump pressure too.
Towing around town, in traffic and backing up are hard on transmissions because the fluid is not cooled as well as when you are driving on the interstate (not in traffic).