Stefonius wrote:
4x4van wrote:
Stefonius wrote:
There are quite a few folks in the "I paid for the site and I'll do whatever the heck I want!" camp. When I read their posts, all I see is "ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!" Sad.
I suppose the same argument could be made for those that want to dictate how their neighbor "camps".
4x4van - you basically paraphrased exactly what I said. Folks who allow their light and sound to go out past the boundaries of their sites are dictating how their neighbors camp.
Point taken. However, there really doesn't seem to be a way to "not" affect others when in close proximity. Your desire for darkness should not mean that I must use flashlights to cook. Your desire for quiet should not force me to whisper during normal camping hours. And your dislike of smoke should not prevent me from enjoying a campfire.
Light cannot be "stopped" at the boundaries of a campsite, nor can noise/laughter, nor campfire smoke/smells. If you are going to camp near others, then their presence is going to be evident. If that's unacceptable to you, then find a location to camp that is more isolated, where my activities don't bother you, and vice versa.