Vice President of Quality. What a laugher that is. It'll never happen because they are selling all they can build. They all gather at their various conventions and kiss each others rear ends and keep shoving their planned and engineered garbage out their various factory doors.
When we the consumer quit buying their over decorated junk and quit paying their inflated prices, then Maybe quality might get better. Right now the industry has no incentive to improve their quality. Remember as well that most of the individual parts that come together to make an RV are of decent quality, Items like the chassis, heaters, lighting, kitchen equipment exclusive of vapor absorption refrigerators which no one seems to get right these days and everything else down to the nuts and bolts.
The manufacturers lack the ability to install and put into service all of those items to create a fully functioning unit. Until they do the buyers will keep rewarding these Bandits with their hard earned cash by the wheel barrow load. With that working for them; It's like I asked before. Where's the incentive to build quality.