Roadmaster and Blue Ox are the two most popular base plates. If you go their webpages you can look up the exact plate for your exact Soul. Then you can pull up the installation instructions. They have pictures plus difficulty ratings and/or labor hours. That will give you an idea what's involved and maybe if you can install it yourself.
There's DEMCO and maybe another brand or two, and I believe those would also have the instructions on line.
And YES, most late model vehicles require removal of the Fascia (Bumper Cover) to perform the install. If you consider doing your own install:
1. Don't trim the Fascia till the base plate is installed. Do a trial fit and make your own cutting plan. It may require less cutting than the instructions say.
2. If the framework of the unit body needs to be drilled, you will need very good drill bits, cutting lubricant and a powerful low speed drill motor. Most high-speed drill motors have no torque at low speed.