We tow a 13 Hyundai Elantra, cost of baseplate was around $700. Tow bars can be had cheap on craigslist and other such places or even the local trader. The wires for a hook up to the lights runs about $100 or so. I had my stuff installed at camp world when they had a special. Ther ay be one on now, but it requires purchase of parts from them. I priced the baseplate on the net and it was less than $200 cheaper than from CW. The the process begins to get stuff installed and at $75/hr on average it adds up soon. There is a guy locally that has bunches of pieces for roadmasters so I got the front cross bar and cables and locks and the hook up pins for less than $50. This is for my ranger pu so I can pull it in lieu of the elantra if we need to go someplace where I would need the truck.
BTW the elantra scales in around 2800 lbs.