Forum Discussion

Matthew_B's avatar
Jul 08, 2016

License plate light

My previous vehicle I towed had an old school wiring system with switches and relays. For the marker lights I simply tapped into the light feed at the under-hood relay and added a diode there so the tow vehicle could power the entire marker light circuit. Everything lit up when I did that.

I'm now getting a Ford Escape Hybrid ready for towing. It has electronic monitoring of marker lights. In that system you shouldn't tap into the whole system, only individual lights as needed. When I look at the kits available, they only connect to the left and right rear marker / turn bulbs. Everything else will be dead.

This leads me to ask: What about the license plate light? Isn't that mandatory to be illuminated? Anyone ever get in trouble for a dark license plate light?
  • The light on a registration plate must be working.
    Will it be enforced? Maybe, maybe not.

    I would make sure it works, just in case.