Wish I had off the top of my head the RCW for here that quotes the actual law.....I am assuming ILCS is equal to RCW here in washington. ie Rules Codes of Washington. This is also where this state is real adamant about following the FBL's, and where it is illegal to be over 500 lbs per inch width of tire to a max 20K per single, and 34K per tandem. I should look up those RCW's to show folks......
Hence also where I think it was this thread, maybe another, where I showed by math, that most of us with single tired trucks and trailer will have to be over 20K or so on the truck, 10K per axel, another 17-20K on the rv trailer to be truly overweight as the rules are enforced here. ASSUMING, one has the correct total paid for GVW. There is NO R in the GVW from a reg tag/license standpoint per say!