noplace2 wrote:
mbrower wrote:
I live in the country,away from town lights and most people so if I want to star gaze in peace and quiet I need to travel no further than my back yard. I don't camp/RV to be alone with my thoughts and be in harmony with nature
Simply remember that you are not an entity of one.
We lived in exactly the kind of circumstance that you describe for years before we got on the fulltime road 14 years ago. We still seek out those places. Just be respectful of those who seek out and wish to remain in that environment and if you find yourself in one, remind yourself of what you appreciate about your home, but move elsewhere to find what you seek differently.
The point of this part of my post is that while stargazing is important to some, it is not my priority when I vacation. I am very aware of my surroundings and try to camp accordingly. I use low wattage orange light outside my camper and try to remember to shut them off when I go to bed. They will be on if I'm ever outside my camper at night. I also like to socialize with family members and play cards so there will be the occasional lantern on my table at night. It sounds like to some that even this amount of light is annoying.
You say I must be respectful to "those who wish to remain in that environment" and I'm assuming you mean in the dark, but how do those people return me the same courtesy?
I do tend to seek out family oriented campgrounds and try to stay away from RV parks with a lot of seasonal residents.