wa8yxm wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
When they hung horse thieves it sure served as a deterrent.
First when it comes to car theft, that is becoming more and more dangerous. True story follows.
But.. back when they hung you for horse theiving.. Well if you were way out in the middle of no place (Desert) that horse was what kept you alive, if someone took it, you died.. So stealing a horse was not a whole lot different from shooting them in the head.. So hanging was the proper (at that time) punishment.. Today.. Well if your car gets swiped odds are you can still get transportation, file an insurance claim and have a new car by the end of the week, YOu are not dead.
The story
Got a teletype (I was a police dispatcher) Stolen car, Cadillac Esclade.. Read it looking for some key words, NOT THERE.. Ask my SGT for permission to service a message back to the entering agency.
15 mintues later we knew where that car was parked,, Sure enough Troopers found it right were it was "Cooling off" and the owner got it back in less than an hour.
Any good chevy dealer can tell you how we did it.. So can ford, and several other auto dealers.. Just ask.
Many new cars come with that feature and if yours does not, Verizon, and T-moble (And I suspect AT&T and Sprint) offer an after market plug in.. Not as good cause some day the car theives will figure it out but hey it works.
Guessing you are talking about GPS technology.
On my end you have to wait until you have time to go to the police precinct and file a report to get the ball rolling. They don't come to you unless well yer spayshul:Z
Took 2 weeks for NYPD to respond to a call that someone was shooting BB guns into apartments in my bldg. Massive sigh.