time2roll wrote:
I am amazed how many people park a $50,000+ vehicle outside so they can retain $500 of junk in the garage.
Ain't it the truth? :S
My wife and I promised each other when we bought our first home that the garage was for our cars. If anything else fit after the cars, then okay, but the cars came first. We have lived up to that commitment for almost 24 years now. When we bought the new F-150 to pull our trailer, we drove it home on the test drive to see that it fit in the garage.
We live in a tiny town of 400 souls out in the middle of nowhere, but I still lock up when I park away from home, and keep the garage door closed (and no garage access except the main door and the door from inside the house) when the truck is in there. I lived in the Denver Metro area for 40 years.... just got in the habit of locking up.