Forum Discussion

TomG2's avatar
Jan 05, 2017

Locked or Unlocked

Due to a rash of truck break ins here in the RGV (Rio Grande Valley), we have been discussing the merits of leaving our pickups locked or unlocked? The thieves do more damage breaking in than they would if the vehicle was left unlocked. With $500 or $1,000 deductible, the repair cost would be more harmful than the loss of a $80 GPS. What do you folks think? I know that the door locks keep honest people out but it does not seem to slow down the crooks.
  • A visual deterrent helps too.

    I have my truck alarmed, as it is also my work vehicle with a lot of tools.

    The alarm will sound if a door is opened, or a tool box, or the truck hood, or tailgate.

    But, as a deterrent to not touch it, I have blinking blue LED's in all 4 corners. Each of the backup lights and both high beam lights blink blue continuously when the alarm is set.
    Can't see them much during the day but at night it is very obvious. Also a blinking LED on the dash. It reflects through the entire interior of the cab.

    A visual deterrent will usually tell a criminal to move on to the next vehicle.

    These LEDs are cheap and easy to install. The unit comes with a module that blinks when power is applied. You could put those in without an alarm and either wire it to come on with the ignition off, or put a toggle switch someplace out of sight.
  • This summer there were a bunch of vehicle robberies over a couple nights until they were caught. I wasn't hit but the late 20 something criminals got several people on my street including across the street. My truck sits outside but in my driveway and about 40 feet off the street and locked. Everyone hit was parked on the street with vehicles un-locked. Turned out they were walking home after the taverns closed and trying doors of anything on the street. Jim.
  • There are some battery operated devices that install on either side of the door opening so that when the door is open the connection between the two is broken and an alarm sounds. If kids it would probably scare them away.
    It may pay to notify the neighbors that if they hear the alarm to `_______' and give them what action you would like them to take.
  • TomG2 wrote:
    Due to a rash of truck break ins here in the RGV (Rio Grande Valley), we have been discussing the merits of leaving our pickups locked or unlocked? The thieves do more damage breaking in than they would if the vehicle was left unlocked. With $500 or $1,000 deductible, the repair cost would be more harmful than the loss of a $80 GPS. What do you folks think? I know that the door locks keep honest people out but it does not seem to slow down the crooks.

    Well from what you've written it sounds like they aren't interested in stealing the trucks just steal stuff within. Probably kids so if I felt I was targeted I'd leave the vehicle unlocked until I'd set up a security light system.
  • rhagfo's avatar
    Explorer III
    I would discuss with your insurance agent, we did an never locked our convertible PT Cruiser with the top up. We also made sure ther was nothing in the car of value. We would lock the glove box.