bowler1 wrote:
This is somewhat a followup to my post about towing in the mountains. Consensus was that it was better to stay in a lower gear with higher rpms.
What about on the flats and more moderat grades?
My tundra has a s mode where you can limit the top gear. If i lock out 5th and 6th and keep it in fourth i never need to downshift unless on an extreme gradr, but it just seems that i must be burning a lot more fuel.
What do you recommend?
i think you will be able to answer your own question. if you know for sure its flat and moderate? still your working your tow vehicle harder towing. heat & trailer tire speed.
more about control than saving a few buck on fuel. its all part of towing.
the first time you take a wheeeeee ride off a mountain and smoke your breaks trying to get back under control.
you will under stand the wisdom in gearing down in the mountains.
trust me, gas is cheaper than warped rotors and break jobs. not to mention the safety factor on not having a run away vehicle.