Forum Discussion

Scott_in_GB's avatar
Oct 20, 2017

Looking for a truck...

So, after a decade of having a big trailer on a permanent site as our mini cabin for the family, my wife and I are looking at a couples coach travel trailer. We are looking at a 25' or less ultra-lite travel trailer and I am hoping to keep the trailer under 8500 GVWR.

So, with that said I am looking to buy a truck. I am looking at either new or late model used crew cab. I would really prefer a 1/2 Ton, but we plan on taking this camper all over the country and that includes the mountains. I want to make sure that whatever I buy can handle long trips and mountain grades. I really don't want to spend more than say $45K and less than that if possible. We tend to keep vehicles for a long time, so I am looking at this as a 8-10 year investment.

Finding unbiased information on trucks is almost impossible. Trucks brands have their diehard fans and it is tough to sort through all the chafe and find good recommendations. I am open to all of the full size truck manufacturers.

What are your recommendations and why???

Thanks for your assistance!

  • You could get by with a 1/2 ton on that size trailer but for your intended use I'd really recommend a HD model. Your preferred flavor 3/4 ton or 1 ton. For $45k you could even squeeze into a diesel if you keep the options limited, and even though your trailer size doesn't require one a diesel would give you an effortless towing experience with considerably better mileage and range.

    I tend to agree with the others who have stated there's not really any downside to HD trucks versus half tons but there are a lot of upsides.
  • donn0128 wrote:
    Get a 2500. There really is no downside and the upsides are many

    You wont complain that a truck is too capable.
  • While a 2500 series will cost you a few thousand more, when you consider that against the 10 years or so you intend to own it, doesnt the heavier duty truck make more sense? And if on the tail end you get an additional chunk of that back as well, it would seem that the larger truck is not going to cost any more than a couple hundred a year more for the extra capability and safety.
  • Up to around 7k loaded any of the newer 1/2 tons will do. Test drive them all and pick your preference, then go look for a deal. Above 7k you'll be more comfortable in a 3/4 ton.

    If it were my primary tow vehicle to tow across the country full time I would go with a diesel for better pulling power, especially in the mountains, and better mpg while doing it.
  • 2500 is the way to go. It will provide extra safety by providing plenty of laod/towing capacity instead of being near maximum with a 1500. I also always choose longbeds. I need the room and they seem to have a less choppy ride when towing or empty.

    Our family for many years used suburbans for our tow vehicles...plenty of passenger and cargo room. Everything safe and secure inside the vehicle vs in the pickup bed.

    I've always had GM trucks and haven't had any out of the five that has had unexpected issues only wear and tear stuff.
  • The general rule is to buy or select the TT first, then match a TV to it. 8500 pounds will...challenge...a half ton of any make in my opinion. I’m at 5100 with a Tahoe and happy. Add two thousand more and I probably wouldn’t be.
  • Get a 2500. There really is no downside and the upsides are many