Lwiddis wrote:
“they said nothing can be done.”
Yes it can fixed. “They” just don’t want to spend the money. To heck with your RV damage.
Voltage can be as low as 100V and still be within the ANSI, NEMA & NEC min. requirements therefore the poco or a CG won't do anything. Some explanation of voltage tolerance boundary and ANSI C84.1 is
here. Older CGs can be much more susceptible to low voltage due to the way they were wired and due to the min. NEC requirements in effect at the time. An autoformer is a good "tool" to have for CGs but not much you can do at your house. Low voltage can cause expensive damage to RV components (esp. AC units) and cause some appliances to significantly underperform. A permanently mounted LED voltmeter inside and an EMS unit are also good to have so you can monitor voltage and have power automatically cut off below a certain level.
You can't blame CGs for low voltage. The majority of them simply built to the min. requirements of the NEC in effect at the time they were built. Utility co. voltage can drop in high demand situations like heat waves. The NEC allows a certain % of voltage drop between the poco service and point of utilization. During peak demands of the summer and high AC use, voltage is just gonna go down. Guaranteed. Reducing voltage drop would be an extremely expensive proposition and will never happen.
All the 50 amp RVs these days with their higher demands also contribute to low voltage issues.
Knowing that low voltage is a common issue when camping in the summertime is your first line of defense. Things you can do include getting an autoformer, choosing a CG built after 2005 (or one that has upgraded their electrical), choosing a CG that originally built above. min. code requirements, choosing a site closest to a pad-mounted transformer in a CG, use a 50 to 30 amp adapter (if you have a 30 amp RV) and minimizing your load in your RV.
We're currently in a CG in Bend Or, and after being here a week so far, the voltage has been pretty steady at around 115-117. There's still a few nice sites left here, so come on down!!