Some years ago one of the gadget-head mags did a comparasion of three top GPS units, in each case they picked the top of the line, Magellin, Tom-Tom and Garmin.
They rand 3 sample routes,, Same 3 routes, on all 3 GPS units.
In each case the Garmin picked a better route the driver using the Garmin got there first and the final turn was a RIGHT TURN into the parking lot.
Both Tom-Tom and Magellen picked longer, slower routes and had the driver turning LEFT into the parking lot (For cars right turns are safer).
I have a Garmin, hardly ever use it but I have a Garmin.. What do I use.
Well. I'm getting into Google Maps on my Android phone but my favorite long distance Nav-Aid is Microsoft Streets and Trips.. Since I messed up this widders 8.1 box last week I have to re-install it.. The CD is in the drive now awaying clickity click installation.. (I knew there was a reason I kept that CD)