tropical36 wrote:
..I still like making a light bar or using a hitch haul and using it on the toad's hitch receiver with a wiring connector that goes to the front of the vehicle. This way there's no connection whatsoever to the toad's electrical system, but you can still add a charge wire or other if needed. Simply disconnect and store it when not in use.
..I like the idea of building a light bar that'd go on the hitch receiver. I carry bikes on the back of our toad most of the time, with a Thule 4 bike rack (works great). I just might have to see about mounting a light bar on the bike rack, like a previous poster talked about. :)
For the time being, though, I've found a much, much easier way to use magnetic lights that also avoids connecting to the toad's electrical system, scratching risk, or having to put them up and take them down: Magnetic lights sit INSIDE the car, on the 'shelf' behind rear seats. I put a strip of velcro on the bottom of each mag. light, and that makes it stay in place perfectly on the shelf back there. They sit behind the rear seat headrests, completely out of the way and do no block view back there, so they can pretty much stay in place all the time ready to go when driving or towing it (no need to ever take them out or put them back in). Wires are routed underneath the car, through the truck and up to the lights in the back, completely out of the way and just about invisible.
This works great on any sedan where you have a 'shelf' behind the rear window, but probably not on a hatchback or SUV.