I'd be sure to wash down all hard surfaces with a disinfectant and shampoo & air out all soft items (couches, chairs, carpet, mattress).
The thing you have to be really worried about is mouse dropping left in the AC ducts or areas you did not get to. The Hunta virus (not spelled right I'm sure) is dangerous.
We set traps, lots of traps in the lower storage bays, under drawers, under furniture, etc. We set out some "Fresh Cab" and with the traps we had fewer mice. Set them in the fall, check them all winter and leave them set all year long.
We tried dryer sheets but they did not keep mice out. Dryer sheets will help freshen the interior though so are not a waste of time.
One other thing to do is not have any dark enclosed areas where mice like to nest. Also, never, never, never leave anything that smells of food in an RV for any period of time if mice can get to it. When winterizing be sure to wash down all cabinets and drawers to remove food odors.