If you consider Steak 'n Shake, and Texas Roadhouse places to get quality food, that could explain part of the problem. One has decent, not great, but decent burgers, the other one is barely adequate. I've eaten at Texas Roadhouse twice, two different places, and it was mediocre both times. Franchise food is rarely top drawer. But stay away from the Outback restaurants and you'll likely survive.
Sauces add flavor, sometimes meat is merely something that adds flavor, not the main part of the dish. That's something that a lot of people can't get around. I used to love Oriental food when I was overseas, because they used meat as seasoning, not a lot of meat with a little other stuff like you find at a lot of Oriental restaurants in the US. So maybe people just like stuff that you don't, that doesn't make it not good, maybe you need to expand your palate.