Forum Discussion

dpgllg's avatar
Jul 05, 2018

Need experienced users of cargo carriers on back of trailer


I want to haul an adult tricycle with us. My 5th wheel comes with a receiver factory installed. I am looking at several carriers and have found two that I think will work.

Ultra Fab

Haul Master

The Ultra Fab is more money but I really like the fact that the ramp folds in half. The Haul Master from Harbor frieght is a lot less money and in fact I found one used on Craigslist for $45. It is the high ramp on the Haul Master that has me concerned. I envison it hitting the back of my 5th wheel and damaging it. I also am concerned about the quality of this carrier.

Anyone with experience with either of these ramps please let me know the pros and cons of each.

I also would like to hear from people who have used any cargo racks and thier experiences with them. Both good or bad. What do I need to know to keep the load secure and not damanging my 5th wheel?


  • Its funny now that Im older I look at your bike and think ,that would come in handy for a quick trip to the store or whatever while camping.
  • I have a Dee-Zee cargo carrier purchased from TSC - Tractor Supply Company - that we've used on our Outback for several years now. This year we bought an adult tricycle and wanted to bring it with us. Well, creativity and ingenuity prevailed. I took the sides off and made my own holder. At the time I did this, it was suppose to be just a quick and dirty attempt to slap something together. So I used old lumber laying outside. It was never intended to be a permanent fix. And actually, it's become a permanent solution. I suppose until the wood rots, I'll just keep using it this way.

    Fyi, one thing you REALLY need to figure out, you may get one of those carriers with the attached ramp, but how wide are they... really?

    My Schwinn Tricycle turned out to be much wider than the carrier, which resulted in the following design.


    After we got the tricycle, this is how I modified the carrier.

    Granted, I have to lift the tricycle up to get it on the carrier, but that's not too much of a problem.

    The thing I had to figure out with the carrier when I originally purchased it was to stop the side to side rocking, which I'm sure would have eventually broken something. I built 2 supports (with 2x4's) under the carrier, and they actually rest on top of the bumper, preventing any rocking. It's stable.

    Someday, I'll remove all that wood, and make the supports that hold the wheels out of PVC pipe or aluminum pipe. .... someday!
  • I have-how heavy is the bike? that is the most important issues.