Romer1 wrote:
...Not trying to start anything, but do you do the same for your daily driver? If not, how are those tires different?
Both daily drivers have built in TPMS.
Yes, I check them roughly weekly. Not only for air, but also plop on my back and poke my head under for tire condition and undercarriage. Bolt torque check monthly.
I check the TT tires three times after arriving. I check the first morning after arriving -- pressure, torque, visual on the entire undercarriage (I check the entire rig all around top and bottom.) That way if there is a problem I have several days to take care of it. I check pressure again the day before we leave -- again, if a tire is low I can inflate it without causing a travel delay. Final check is the morning we leave. Been doing this for years, never had to delay travel the morning we leave because of a mechanical problem.
Of course, now that I said that, you know what will happen next trip... :)