Ok just got back from the tire shop , nothing found tire wise BUT said that the metal valve stem nut (NOT the extender) wasn't as tight as it should have been . The guy said he snugged it up a turn or so . We'll see !!
Next up dave54 comment on TPMS ..
Learned a lesson about these things too , on vehicles that come with TPMS and reg sized spare tires NOT the little donuts.. Hey they have one in them too.
Last winter went out got in our Toy FJ and when I started it up the low tire light was on since this being an 08 its not the new fang-dangled type that tells you with tire is low !
I checked all 4 tires all were at the correct setting. So I went by the tire shop since they had just rotated the tires the week before, they checked the tires and said uhm must have a bad TPMS sensor ? Not wanting to buy one from them I said I'll go by the Toyota dealer.
Guy behind the counter said they very rarely see one go bad and asked if I had checked the spare tire ?? The light bulb went off in my head DOH didn't even don on me that it would have a TPMS in it. Got home pulled the cover off it, checked it and it had 28 lbs ap in it. brought the ap up to the others, started the FJ and the light went out...
I'm still going to order a set of those Tire Man Valve stems !!!