Forum Discussion
Of which you commented on the value of information on this forum...
Comments in red below
SpeakEasy wrote:
- tires have date codes
- trailer tires age-out before they wear out
Just in your case.
There are some who wear them out before they age-out
Depends on the driving style, where driven most, loading of the tire vs it's ratings, how it is taken care of, etc, etc...
- 6 years is about long enough to keep trailer tires
Just in your case
It also depends on how and where it is kept. How it is taken care of and a big component I use 303 on all things tire and rubber/synthetic
- Goodyear Endurance tires are considered by many to be premium tires that are worth the price
- you can request your tire shop to ensure that they are getting tires that are dated recently
- original-equipment, Chinese-made tires have a poor track record
Not all products from China is below par.
Same thing was said for anything made in Japan.
It was the purchasing/importer who specified the level of quality. Too many times that is via price demanded by the purchaser, with little to no regard to quality
The same metric applies to goods imported from China
Tidbit...Taiwan's economy is larger than Japan's the last time checked...and some Japanese products with 'Made in Japan' is made in Taiwan and finished in Japan
The same goes for 'American Made' products...depends...