Forum Discussion

windstrucklady's avatar
Jul 16, 2014

Northwood Manufacturing's Defective Trailer

My husband and I purchased a brand new 2010 Northwood True North OSV trailer in May, 2010.

In April 2014 we pulled back the floor to find extensive water damage. We could wring the water out of the floor insulation and the pressboard was so soft and wet we could push our finger through it. There was also mold.

We had used the trailer less than 20 times and we took very good care of it.

When I spoke with Northwood in April, they said that the only thing Northwood could offer was to fix the trailer cheaper than anyone else (though could not provide a quote), if we got it to Northwood ourselves (5.5 hours away) and the waitlist was at least 2 months out.

I understand that the trailer only had a one year limited warranty on it, and at the time of purchase my husband and I figured that would not be a problem as we thought Northwood was a reputable company that makes high quality products.

I guess we were wrong. 4 years later and with ligher pockets we are left with a destroyed trailer that our insurance company deems a write-off and that the leak is due to a manufacturer defect. As I mentioned we did not know of this issue until we pulled back the floor and saw the damage (our insurance covers flood but it does not cover anything if there is damage due to the flood, yet another example of a corporation not caring about their customers).

I am so disappointed that Northwood would produce something this poorly made and not help the people that purchased their defective product. I feel there is little to no decency left in the corporate world and no one cares about their customers. Northwood just proved me right once again.
  • So at least it sounds like your ins. is going to total it. I know that's not the disposition you wanted but at least you'll get paid back (mostly).
    Northwood is better than average but not great. A friend bought a new AF last year and there were numerous manufacturing defects (one caused a flood..) and even incredibly stupid design issues like slide roller assemblies held in place by brad nails (assemblies collapsed into floor). Also the entire body is 2" off-center on the frame - looks bad from front.
    I was seriously thinking of buying a new AF 31D but I'm going to wait and see what direction this company goes in the future.
  • I'm very sorry for your loss. You'll have to weigh the cost of legal action versus the cost of disposing of the unit and bailing. Mold in any structure is hazardous to your health. Proving that the water damage was due to the manufacturer may be difficult. Did you ever do any maintenance on the roof or side panels such as caulking or taping? That could be a factor in this matter as well. I wish you the best.