bgum wrote:
We are out and about for the first time since the outbreak of Covid.
There seems to be double the number of trucks on the road. Those truckers have a lot of places to shut it down for the night fuel and eat. They need more places to rest for the night or to just take a break.
Campgrounds are plentiful but reservations are best even if made just a few hours before arrival.
People are not wearing masks and are not practicing safe distances.
The price of fuel is up.
This is a beautiful country.
Truth is. People have learned. Masks really do nothing, and the vax is hit and miss. I just got out of the hospital with a sever case of covid, and yes I was fully vaxed. It did no good. Absolutely NO GOOD.
Here is how it is. If you are going to get it, you are going to get it, and there is nothing you can do about it. A person needs to do what ever they think will help them stay safe. Take the vax if you think it will help, wear a mask if you think it will help. Do what YOU "think" is best for you. But be advised. The hospitals are full of fully vaxed covid victims. I know I was one. not only did I have the vaccine, but also the infusion. Now I face MONTHS of recovery. So do what you think you need to do. But realize you still have the same chance of getting covid, as you did before you did anything.
Best thing to do. Get out, and live your life. Don't sit home and hide from something that no one has any control over. All you do is waste what time you have here. God is the only protection you really have.