IdaD wrote:
mosseater wrote:
I don't chime in on diesel vs gas. I personally don't see a need for ME to pony up another $10k for a diesel. My '22 F-250 Supercrew is quite nice with the 7.3. For those comparing peak torque 6.6 v 7.3 you may want to see when that torque curve comes in. About 1000 rpm for the Ford and about 4k rpm for the 6.6 to reach the same number. The 7.3 is a great combo with the 10 spd and has gotten about 20 mpg on decent highway, about 15 average. Around town and idling in 4 wd about 12-13, and 10-11 towing my 8000lb trailer. I'm very happy with it so far.
I suspect the 11.3 average MPG figure on Fuelly for the 7.3 in a Super Duty is a more realistic expectation most folks should have. The 10 speed certainly helps which is why it doesn't average single digits. I think my 2015 Cummins overall MPG average over 100k miles is about 15. A big gasser won't do as well as it regardless of the transmission.
Towing with any weightlYes. But I took this truck with about 1000 lbs on board to Nashville and running 70-80 most of the way averaged 17.8 on the way down and 16.9 on the way home. My 150 wouldn't get 15 mpg off a cliff. This engine runs about 1750 rpm at 80 in 10th and has enough torque to not shift into 8th or 9th unless it's a decent hill.
Nothing get good mileage towing any weight.