Eric n Lisa is spot on.
Who the he__ does oil analyses on their pickups? No one I've ever known does. No one I've ever know does on their cars has either. And I hang around with a bunch of gear heads. And I've moved like 10 times in the last 25 years so plenty of "friends " in plenty of places.
Only ever heard of it on the Internet. Even being in heavy civil construction 25 years. Never personally seen an oil sample go in. Except maybe trying to diagnose a condition on an expensive engine.
If you want to change your oil every weekend, every year, every 10k miles, who cares?
Chances are your car will run a long time unless you never change it.
Better to do it at 3k 5k? Probably.
Going to blow up if you change 10k? Probably not.
To add to Eric n Lisa post. 1/ 2 cent a mile or what $100 a year for a couple oil changes? That's like 1/1000th of my total expenditure a year. I spend waaaay more just on beer and Copenhagen. Is that more important than an oil change?
If so, don't change your oil, who cares. If not then change your oil, who cares.
I get beer chew and oil at the same time.......
How people can brag or argue or bitsch about a couple bucks a year is beyond me. Do you only eat beans and rice or do you eat steak and not change your oil? Who the f cares?